Green Energy
Main areas in briefly:
For heating the mains for supplying water and heat in settlements, foundations of houses, wells for cable ducts and communications; well rings, well bottoms, well covers; trays: drainage, rainwater, drainage, road, heating mains cover trays;
For steaming concrete and reinforced concrete products; for the production of paving slabs, curbs, artificial decorative stones, elements of small garden architecture, products from foam concrete, polystyrene concrete, expanded polystyrene concrete, aerated concrete, gas silicate, pin-silicate;
Hot water supply and heating of industrial buildings; when unloading fuel oil and other thick fuels and lubricants for heating them and steaming containers, for defrosting pipes, for heating viscous fuel (oil, fuel oil); to increase humidity when drying valuable wood species, drying of lumber.
In the meat-processing industry, disinfection and sterilization of technological lines, containers and tanks for milk, wine, juice, extracts; sterilization of milk, cooking cheese mass, condensed milk, sausages , production of beer, sunflower oil, canned food;
Disinfection, steaming the soil with steam in greenhouses; dressing the soil in the greenhouse; air humidification in greenhouses; growing mushrooms in greenhouses; preparation of the substrate for growing mushrooms; for brewing and pelleted feed.
Pulp and paper industry, a production of corrugated packaging, paper, cardboard, plywood; heating of drying drums; bakeries, saunas, laundries, dry cleaners, cleaning and washing with steam, for washing cars, cleaning automobile units from dirt during their repair.
Comparison of main characteristics
Three main advantages – efficiency (generated 1.5 times more steam at the same cost of electricity);
safety (explosion safety) and use of any water (chemical water treatment is not required).In addition, it is necessary to emphasize the versatility – the possibility of obtaining steam, steam-water mixture, hot water; fast exit to “working mode”, especially at short-term and cyclic work; efficiency of conversion of electric energy into thermal, on 1 kW about 2 kg of saturated steam at a temperature to 150 degrees with a pressure to 5 Bar turn out; operating mode: short-term, long-term.
Hydrodynamic rotary steam generators are fully autonomous and mobile when the drive is equipped with an internal combustion engine; reliability – the steam generator practically does not contain constructive elements which in the course of work are subject to wear and has a much bigger working life сompared to other types of steam generators; simplicity of service – due to a simple design and application of the knots calculated on long-term operation; all maintenance of the steam generator consists only in periodic control of a condition of the water filter and the control unit of the electric motor.
Rotary hydrodynamic steam generator Gver-022 in action
Hydrodynamic cavitation rotary steam generator Gver-022 model Compact and model Universal generate a vapor with a work temperature 150°C, 40 kg p\h , an work pressure 4 kg /cm². Designed, produced by the laboratory of alternative energy Gverlab with the support of our Ukrainian partners.
Testing on 25 June 2023 new cavitation steam generator GVER022 model2 Universal
In 2024 Gverlab designed New Hydrodynamic cavitation rotary steam generator GVER-037 model Universal.
Main technical characteristics of the steam generator GVER-037:
– Electric power consumption – 37 kW
– The amount of steam produced – 70 kg / hour or 180 kg/ hour of water-steam mixture
– Working outlet steam temperature – 150 ° С
– Working pressure of team at the outlet – 0,5 МПа
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